Here's a throwback. I loved the symmetry in this single photo, seemingly too painterly to be real, but that is exactly what drew me to stop to photograph it. This is a scene from a California vineyard taken many years ago on one of our roadtrips. I can still so vividly recall this field. I was totally taken with the colorful contrast and satisfyingly perfect rows of lushious greenery starting to mature in the warm California sun. Not a single weed in these rows, creating such perfect separation it almost felt unnatural. And that sky, such a perfect sky. The hills gracefully rolled along the roadside of our drive. It was the first time I had seen vineyards of California. I wanted so badly to pull over and park in the crunchy gravel and sit at the top of one of those hills with my husband; barely shaded but letting the sun tenderly burn my cheeks as we enjoyed artisen cheeses and sipped a delicious red wine. Sigh, but that was just my imagination. We had no fresh cheeses in the vehicle and certainly no good wine. And I think we may have been arrested had we frollicked up into those fields. I'll sit with my imagined version of events instead.
Click on the image to enjoy a larger version, or to see more in the Scenic gallery.